Nowadays signing a contract of loan-credit is a self-evident and regular process in order to buy a new property or a long-desired thing, or invest in present or future business.
However, in order to get a credit, it is necessary to take into account a whole new range of conditions of a potential lender, as well as to sign the documents prepared by a lender – contracts that often contains conditions unclear to the borrower.
Is is crucial to understand the content of the documents that are going to be signed as well as all conditions, because these conditions are the basis of future relations between the lender and the borrower. Furthermore, you need to remember that after getting a long-term credit loan the situation may change, for example, the borrower’s income may decrease, the borrower may lose his job thus being unable to make necessary payments. It is therefore important, while signing the credit contract, to understand clearly what will happen if such situation will occur, and how to act in order to avoid court disputes with the lender or losing your property in case of mortgage.
In order to have certainty and understanding of your rights and obligations, before signing the signing of the documents we recommend you to appeal to the lawyers of Law Office “INLAT PLUS international” who will inspect the content of the contracts, explain your rights and obligations that comes with the contracts, as well as inform you about possible risks and problems that may come up during the duration of the contracts.
Lawyers of Law Office “INLAT PLUS international” have many years of experience in assessment of credit loan contracts, we know exactly what should be given special attention:
The above mentioned are just some examples to pay attention to during the signing of the credit contract, the contract of guarantee and the pledge contract.
Before the signing of the contract, make sure that you clearly know, what you are signing!